Merry Christmas

Sorry my people i've been kinda busy and havent found any time to blog again since xmas. Anyway new years eve is coming up also, and a poker tourney for me tonight i'm just gonna enjoy my evening at home i think anyways Happy Christmas & New Year. Regards Michael :)

Rome Series

Started watching Rome Series yesterday and now im at episode 4, so it's basically about Caesar and how he took over Rome, really interesting if you are fascinated by history, also if you liked the Series called "Spartacus" then this is kinda similar in my opinion.

I'm just gonna post the trailer so you have some idea about whats going on but i totally recommend it:)

Cut down my winter tree!

Axe broke: used saw, and i also took a little walk on the ice as you can see on the footprints.

Home is always better than elsewhere.

Sorry for no posts these last 2 days was kinda busy and broke my keyboard also, got it working doh again, but been busy as i said.

Came home from Helsinki to spend Christmas with my family been also working a little bit so I'll post an image here below of what i do.

So i aint got much to tell i watched Oceans 11 on the train home, and when i make home i watched Oceans 12, damn gotta watch Oceans 13 when i got time!

They must be one of the best comedy-thriller-criminal movies I've ever seen if you got any tips for any thief movies just like these then tips them at the comment section!

Anyway i got my shoulders hurt today, carried for like 3 hours a 15kg bag on my shoulder jeez(xmas presents).

Anyway its 2AM now so i should try to get some sleep, didn't get much yesterday because of insomnia...

Thanks :)

EDIT: oh and forgot to recommend a song!

Love And Other Drugs Review.

Oh my god, just watched this movie Love And Other Drugs, i'm not much for romantic and dramatic movies but this one was really good actually i never expected me to like it.
It's comedy, drama and romance combined, let me take you to it.

So in 1996 Jamie Randall (Jake Gyllenhaal) is working at an electronics store and gets fired for having sex with his manager's girlfriend later on that day at his family dinner table his wealthy brother Josh (Josh Gad) tells them that he got fired and that he had Jamie a job as an pharmaceutical(this was a hard word) salesman.

After going trough Pfizer training program where he obviously has sex with his instructor, Jamie moves to&nbsp Ohio River Valley where his going to start selling Zoloft and Zithromax and his regional manager Bruce sees Jamie as a ticket to the big league in Chicago, Bruce then says if Jamie can sell Zoloft instead of Prozac to Dr.Knight other doctors will follow his lead. Jamie then later on after trying over and over again to sell to him, bribes him for $1000 to observe Dr. Knight, later on Dr. Knight gets a patient who suffers Parkinson's disease, Jamie gets her number through Dr. Knights reception and gets a date with Maggie Murdock (Anna Hathaway).

Which leads to sex and they agree that it should only be for the pleasure and nothing else, later on Jamie gets beaten up by top-selling Prozac seller Trey who turns out to be one of Maggie's ex-lover, who warns him to stay away from her and his doctors, later that night when his going to have sex with Maggie his unable to get an erection when they are about to have sex, Maggie says as a joke that he should use the new erectile dysfunction drug that his company has develop(turns out to be Viagra later on).

He talks to Bruce about it and he confirms there is such a drug and its about to be marketed Jamie then talks Bruce in to let him sell the drug, and he then starts selling Viagra an instant success!
Jamie is starting to get attached to Maggie and tells her that he wants a committed relationship but of course Maggie refuses and tells him they should stop.

Two days later, after he waits the night before at the bus stop in his car sleeping there even, he surprises Maggie who thought he would not wait for her for a night at the bus stop and even slept in the car, she is touched and they continue their relationship and they start dating and eventually she turns in to his boyfriend.

Jamie then later on when getting home from the bar, tells Maggie the first time that he loves her and he says he have never told anyone that and gets a panic attack, Maggie then calms him down by saying she "said I love you to a cat once".

Jamie gets an invitation to Chicago medical conference and invites Maggie also, she ends up on the other street later on that night at a Parkinson's disease discussion group, and shes moved by the people and their stories. Jamie then meets a man whose wife is in the final stages of Parkinson's, the man tells him that he would not ever do it twice and tells Jamie to find a normal woman.

Maggie says after the convention how much she loves him, Jamie didn't reply.

Jamie tries to find a cure to Parkinson's they travel round the country to different hospitals and everything and does many different tests, Jamie becomes angry and upset when he arrives at an appointment to find out that it had been rescheduled after they flew over there and paid for hotel and everything to see the doctor.

Maggie then realizes that Jamie can only find love if there's any hope for Maggie to become better and decides to break up with Jamie.

Jamie gets little depressed and starts getting better as his going to have dinner with Bruce where he meets Maggie he then sees that shes doing alright but it could be better and shes with a one night stand and leaves the restaurant.
Bruce then reveals that his been promoted to the Chicago office. While packing up to move to Chicago, Jamie finds the videotape recorder where Maggie and Jamie recorded about them talking about life then he realizes he wants no one other than Maggie, Jamie jumps in to his car and drives to her work and then her boss tells Jamie that she left for Canada to obtain drugs(they are cheaper in Canada), Jamie jumps in his car once again and speeds to catch up with the bus and he finally found it.

He gets the bus to stop then talks Maggie in to having a 5 Minute talk, Jamie tells her that he loves her and she needs her or he wont be happy.
Maggie starts to cry and says she will need him more because of Parkinson's Jamie understands that and they get back together.
Jamie decided not to take the job in Chicago, instead he attends at medical school and stays together with Maggie.

Thanks for reading this was a tough one to write, hope you enjoyed!
i give the movie 7.5/10

At work

While i'm still at work not being able to watch some movies and make the reviews i'm gonna post a really funny video that will definitely give you some laughs/smiles.

By the way theres like an hour of this stuff so i recommend checking these guys out :)!

Here is a wierd one, It's a golden eagle trying to snatch/adopt a kid.
The video is going viral at the moment.

Movies to watch Before the world ends

Gonna now make a review daily of these movies, since I've seen them all i'm going to try to make 2+ reviews/day.

ps. since it's kinda like night time now i'll start tomorrow, Goodnight! :)

Movies that is a must to watch!

----- Action -----

Batman Begins (2005) 8.3/10
The Dark Knight (2008) 9.0/10
The Dark Knight Rises (2012) 8.7/10
Inception (2010) 8.8/10
The Matrix (1999) 8.7/10
The Lord of the rings (All of them!) 8.8/10
Star Wars (All of them!) 8.8/10
Gladiator (2000) 8.5/10
Saving Private Ryan (1998) 8.6/10
The Avengers (2012) 8.4/10
V for Vendetta (2005) 8.2/10
300 (2006) 7.8/10
Pirates of the Caribbean (All of them!) 8.1/10
Iron Man (2008, 2010) 7.9/10
Die Hard (All of them!) 8.3/10
Transformers (All of them!) 7.2/10
District 9 (2009) 8.1/10
Spider-Man (All of them!) 7.3/10
Casino Royale (2006) 7.9/10
Indiana Jones (All of them!) 8.3/10
The Hunger Games (2012) 7.3/10
The Bourne (All of them!) 8.1/10
Taken (2008, 2012) 7.9/10
Sherlock Holmes (2009, 2011) 7.6/10

----- Comedy -----

Pitch Perfect (2012) 7.3/10
Love and Other Drugs (2010) 6.6/10
Ted (2012) 7.3/10
Intouchables (2011) 8.6/10
The big Lebowski (1998) 8.3/10
The Hangover (2009) 7.8/10
Pineapple Express (2008) 7.0/10
21 Jump Street (2012) 7.2/10 
Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) 6.5/10
Role Models (2008) 6.9/10
Dude, Where's My Car? (2000) 5.3/10

The ratings are based on IMDBs rating.

Home from work

Came home from work like 1hr ago, made some delicious pasta and meatballs. Gonna continue watching Boardwalk Empire now.
Gonna post for your funs a quite big failure some time ago when me and my mates were out driving with his car when the winter hit western Finland.

Music in the video:
1. Wax - Rosana

Might aswell also share a moment from a few days ago.
I was watching this scary movie, just as everything started to become really tense NOKNONKONK something with alot of sound hit the doors outside my room(from outdoors), nearly shat my pants.

Boardwalk Empire series.

So yesterday night i started watching Boardwalk Empire, it's so far so good im doh only waiting to come and watch the second episode.

Boardwalk Empire is a period drama focusing on Enoch "Nucky" Thompson, a political figure who rose to prominence and controlled Atlantic City, New Jersey, during the Prohibition period of the 1920s and 1930s. Nucky interacts with several historical figures in both his personal and political life, including mobsters, politicians, government agents, and the common folk who look up to him. The federal government also takes an interest in the bootlegging and other illegal activities in the area, sending agents to investigate possible mob connections but also looking at Nucky's lifestyle which is expensive and lavish for a county political figure.

So far so good but i'ts too early to give it any points so i'm just gonna post that some other time.
Thanks for reading :)

Generation Kill War-Miniseries

So today i watched for the second time trough Generation Kill, it's a very interesting and tense series based on a book written by Evan wright in my opinion the series is very addicting since all the time somethings happening you simply never get bored out of it!
I almost watched all the series on the same day, also more addicting because it is based on a true story (The 1st Reconnaissance Battalion of the United States Marine Corps during the 2003 invasion of Iraq)

If you are into war movies and such, i recommend watching this miniseries, i at least loved to watch it this second time It's as interesting as before!
I give Generation kill 8.6/10 points since it's only a miniseries and i enjoyed it all the way!

Thank you.

First post

So this is apperently now my first post, i should start with introducing myself.
Hello, I'm Michael from Finland.
What I'm going to blog about is:
Music the music i listen to.
Movies what movies i watch and if i recommend them, and some series also.

Currently one of my favorite songs are Rise Against - Alive and well.
Gotta love Rise Against! one of my favorite bands, don't worry i wont be posting too much rock I'm also into stuff like drum'n'bass and dubstep also.

You looking for a good movie to watch?
I recommend watching American Psycho, really interesting and the blood & action seeing a person go nuts is something i enjoy.

First post.